110...............or more!!
110...............or more!!

At the TT, Wayne and Mark have achieved a lap speed of 110.334 with a lap time of 20.31.06. This is their fastest time to date, but we hope to better that! The Ireson Honda outfit is currently undergoing  a major revamp. We have a new and much improved fairing, with stunning new coachwork, to be unveiled at the TT , the God of all things electrical, Steve Hurst, is looking after the outfits brain, and we have made some improvements to the horse power. The combination of these refinements, along with the experience and dedication from both Wayne and Mark, will create a force to be reckoned with!!  

For just £110.00, you will be able to have you name or business name on our website for the season, receive a club badge and sticker and be entered into a draw to win a goodie bag at the end of the year.

Your donation will go directly towards all maintenance and improvements on the outfit, which in turn, will give Real Racing a better chance of being in the position where it should be, at the top!

The TT is the main focus of the seasons plans and we hope to improve on the times and gain better finish positions.

You can donate by BACS to the Real Racing account...

Sort code:- 20-20-15       Account number:- 20686247

Please use your name, or the name you wish to have on the website as our reference, alternatively, email the team manager at realracing@fsmail.net and leave your details and we will contact you with further instructions.

Your support is invaluable and we really appreciate every penny that goes into making this team the professional set up that it is today.

The blog is regularly updated with race results and you can message us via the face book page.